#MedEdChat Transcripts

MedEdChat Transcripts

In October 2017, the Alliance for Clinical Education became the moderator for the long running weekly #MedEdChat on X (formerly Twitter). Due to waning interest in live chats on the social media site, the #MedEdChat has transformed into a monthly blog addressing cutting edge topics in medical education. Archives of the weekly chats are available and have been grouped into topics for ease of review.

Although we attempted to logically assign transcripts to categories, some topics did not easily fit into a category. Therefore,  to improve the yield in a more efficient fashion, you may want to use the search function on your device to determine if that topic was addressed. This will direct you to the optimal transcript(s).

2018-02-15: Can the Senior Year Be Flexible and Educationally Meaningful?

2018-05-31: The July Effect: Fact or Fiction?

2018-08-09: Medical Schools Are From Mars; Residencies Are From Venus

2019-12-12: UME to GME Transition: Who’s Responsible?

2020-01-23: Career Advising for the Match

2021-03-11: What Do Medical Students Need to Know about Pediatrics?

2021-03-25: Best Practices for Fourth Year Career Advising

2020-10-29: Virtual Residency Recruitment

2021-04-22: Choosing Where to Apply for Residency: How Do Medical Students Learn about Programs?

2021-12-02: Transition to Residency

2021-09-23: Preparing for and Studying the Impact of Virtual Residency Interviews

2021-02-04: Specialty “Boot Camp”: What Else Are Learners Needing Before They Leave Medical School?

2022-08-04: Transitions from UME-GME: Is This a Pipe Dream?

2022-05-26: Shifting Focus: Importance of Step 2 CK Performance

2022-09-01: Standardized Letters vs Traditional Letters of Recommendation for Residency Application

2020-09-24: Guiding Students as They Walk Down the Virtual Interview Trail

2022-09-15: Flooding ERAS: Addressing the Residency Application Onslaught

2022-03-17: Put a Lid on It! Capping Applications for Residency Programs

2022-02-03: Can Preference Signaling Mitigate the Match Frenzy?

2023-10-05: What’s All the Fuss about UME to GME Transitions?

2023-12-07: Interview Caps for the Match: Is This a Possible Solution?

2024-01-04: Why Do We Need Three Licensing Examinations in the US?

2022-10-06: USMLE Step 1 Is Pass-Fail…and the World Still Turns

2019-01-24: What Does Learner-Centered Graduate Medical Education Mean?