Our Connections
Past Advocacy & Collaborative Projects
One of the collaborations ACE undertook involved outcomes of the interdisciplinary women’s health education retreat, “Undergraduate Medical Education in Women’s Health: Today & Tomorrow” held in November 2000. The retreat was hosted by APGO and attended by representatives from each ACE constituent organization. During the retreat, participants identified women’s health competencies they considered necessary for every medical student to know and to demonstrate by the time they graduate medical school.
In June 2003, APGO sponsored a follow up retreat to further delineate clear learning objectives for the competencies outlined in Women’s Health Care Competencies for Medical Students and identify expected and measurable competence levels for each learning objective and appropriate evaluation methods. Sixty-four health science educators from 14 specialties were present at the retreat.
Along with the Association of American Medical Colleges, ACE has worked on the Clinical Skills Project to develop core clinical skills competencies for medical students. In working with the AAMC’s scholar in residence, a white paper on the outcomes is available through the AAMC.
Based on the American Medical Student Association’s “No Free Lunch” Program, ACE conducted a survey of third year medical students from multiple medical schools to obtain information about the role and impact of pharmaceutical representatives in the undergraduate medical education arena. The manuscript was published in JAMA in 2005.
The Liaison Committee for Medical Education new requirements resulted in action by ACE. ACE’s President met with LCME leaders to answer some questions raised. The results of this meeting are available here.
Collaborating with ACE
ACE is dedicated to the advancement of medical education through collaborative scholarly activities. Members of ACE’s constituent organizations, and the organizations themselves, participate in such scholarship in order to benefit learners, faculty and patients. Because of its unique interdisciplinary orientation, ACE is always open to provide expertise during the design, implementation, evaluation and/or dissemination of a project or program with an interdisciplinary focus. ACE has been approached with requests from both constituent and outside organizations to advocate, to promote or to endorse products.
If you are interested in collaborating with ACE on a project, please complete the Working Relationship Form.
ACE has also assisted researchers reach a broader audience to help in their medical student education endeavors. In order for the organization to consider this, a letter from the Principal Investigator must be submitted to the ACE Administrative Offices (982184 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-2184).